cannabis dispensary social media marketing agency Maryland and Virginia

In the landscape of social media and online platforms, shadowbanning has become a problem for cannabis companies. As a cannabis dispensary social media marketing agency in Maryland and Virginia, we’ve seen it all. But don’t worry! We are here with some tips to help protect your cannabis company from shadowbanning.

Shadowbanning refers to the secretive restriction or suppression of an account’s reach. This makes it difficult for businesses to engage with their target audience.

Keep reading to learn more!

Follow Platform Policies

First, one of the best ways to protect your cannabis company from shadowbaning is to follow the terms and policies set by social media platforms.

Get familiar with the guidelines related to cannabis content, advertising, and community standards. Create content that is compliant with these rules, and you will reduce the risk of being flagged or penalized.

Be Careful of Keywords and Hashtags 

Cannabis-related keywords can trigger algorithms that may shadowban your content. Do not use prohibited terms. Focus on educational, informative, and non-promotional language. Engage with your audience without using overtly cannabis-related terms and “sales” that could raise red flags.

Additionally, monitor your hashtag use. The obvious hashtags (#cannabis, #cannabiscommunity, etc.) can get your page shut down. Instead, get creative with your spelling! For example, use “ouid” instead of “weed,” or “st0ner” instead of “stoner.” This may be time consuming, but it’s worth it to not get shadowbanned or shut down!

Keep reading to learn more…

Diversify Your Online Presence

Next, you can also protect your cannabis company from shadowbanning by not relying on just one social media platform. Instead, use multiple platforms and channels to diversify your presence.

As a cannabis dispensary social media marketing agency in Maryland and Virginia, we also advise clients to build a strong website with quality content. Engage with your audience through newsletters. Explore cannabis-friendly alternative social media platforms. Diversification will ensure that a shadowban on one platform does not take down your entire online presence.

Create Engaging, Value-Driven Content

Another way to protect your cannabis business from shadowbanning is to avoid being flagged as spam or low-quality by producing valuable, engaging, and diverse content.

Share educational posts, industry news, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business. Create dialogue. Have meaningful interactions with your audience. This will help establish your credibility and improve your reach organically.

Engage in Community Building

Finally, build a strong and active community around your cannabis brand. This serves as a powerful shield against shadowbanning. Encourage user-generated content, respond promptly to comments and messages, collaborate with influencers and industry partners, and actively participate in relevant discussions.

By fostering an engaged community, you create a supportive network that amplifies your message and helps you navigate potential shadowbanning challenges.

We Can Help as an Experienced Cannabis Dispensary Social Media Marketing Agency in Maryland and Virginia

Protecting your cannabis company from being shadowbanned requires a proactive and multifaceted approach.

That is where BlueHuki comes in! We can help you mitigate the risk of shadowbanning and maintain a robust online presence. We are committed to helping propel your business forward. Contact us today to learn more!

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